Sunday, August 30, 2009


To my Sister,
Without you, growing up would not have been the same. Over the years we have built a relationship that is precious and lasting. With you I can laugh, I can cry, I can say what's on my mind or just be silent. With you it's easy to be me. I remember disagreements, saying things we didn't really mean. I also remember that only hours later we were laughing so hard we cried. Sometimes when life seems difficult I remember past memories full of laughter and love. The memories we share remind me of how lucky I am to have a sister like you. We have a common thread that won't be broken by people or years or distance. We are never at a loss for words. We can talk for hours about nothing at all or communicate the deepest hurt with a single word. With you, speech is effortless and laughter is contagious. You bring love and light, kindness and caring, cheer and support into my life. The greatest part about being your sister is sharing ourselves. Having our own interests, but always communicating. Striving to meet our own goals, but never losing sight of one another. Living our own lives, but always remaining connected. I hope that all of the blessings you bring to my life, I can return to you. May you always be fulfilled. May you feel content with your accomplishments and no matter what, know that you are truly and deeply loved. You are my sister and my best friend. I love you!

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