Monday, August 31, 2009

Carson's First Day of School

Sunday night approached and Carson got a little choked up and told us he was afraid to ride the bus to school. Great....this is what he has been waiting for all summer long. So after some thinking Daddy cleared his morning schedule and asked Carson if he would feel comfortable riding the bus if he came to daycare and walked with him. Carson's eyes lit up and he was all about the bus again. First thing this morning Carson asked to call his Dad at work and make sure he was going to come meet him to walk to the bus. We pulled up to daycare, and their dad was in his truck. We went in to drop off Burke and Carson came skipping out of the house and said, "Mom, I am not scared anymore this will be fun." Dad still walked him to the bus and I greeted him at school and the day was all down hill from their. When he got back to daycare he told Ms. Kate that he almost fell asleep on the bus. Enjoy the pictures, he was pretty cute. I got a little emotional watching him so confidently walk to the bus like a big boy. Hard to believe he is already in school. Time flies....literally!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


To my Sister,
Without you, growing up would not have been the same. Over the years we have built a relationship that is precious and lasting. With you I can laugh, I can cry, I can say what's on my mind or just be silent. With you it's easy to be me. I remember disagreements, saying things we didn't really mean. I also remember that only hours later we were laughing so hard we cried. Sometimes when life seems difficult I remember past memories full of laughter and love. The memories we share remind me of how lucky I am to have a sister like you. We have a common thread that won't be broken by people or years or distance. We are never at a loss for words. We can talk for hours about nothing at all or communicate the deepest hurt with a single word. With you, speech is effortless and laughter is contagious. You bring love and light, kindness and caring, cheer and support into my life. The greatest part about being your sister is sharing ourselves. Having our own interests, but always communicating. Striving to meet our own goals, but never losing sight of one another. Living our own lives, but always remaining connected. I hope that all of the blessings you bring to my life, I can return to you. May you always be fulfilled. May you feel content with your accomplishments and no matter what, know that you are truly and deeply loved. You are my sister and my best friend. I love you!

Fireman for a Day

We were lucky enough to get to have a photo shoot at the Meridian Fire Station since Uncle Tyler is the best fireman in Meridian in our eyes. Thanks Uncle Tyler, we love you!

Camping- Anderson Ranch Dam

For the first time in 8 years Alex actually took a week off of work and we went camping with our best friends, The Kob's. What a great trip. I will leave the not so good moments out and glorify the trip as saying it was the best. The bottom line, I think next year our husbands will be planning the trip and maybe we will be on the beaches of Mexico or Hawaii getting cattered too! That would be fine with me. On a serious note it is wonderful to have frends like Liz and Trevor in our lives. They help us capture the moments of laughter and tears, understanding and caring, silliness and seriousness that friends share unconditionally. Their friendship means the world to us and we are grateful they are apart of our family. We love you guys!

Summer Fun

Please enjoy the following slide show of our trip to Arizona. We had a blast. The boys really enjoyed spending some quality time with Nana and Papa. This was the first summer we have had the opportunity to spend this much time with them. It was a blessing and much cherished, the only thing better would have been to have Daddy with us.